Sign Up to be a Friend of the Choir

There is no subscription or donation required to become a Friend of the Choir. All we ask is that you provide us with a current email address and a contact telephone number and we will provide you with the following:

  • 1.
    Regular Newsletters and information about future concerts and social events.
  • 2.
    Invitations to join us for the ritual afterglow at the end of each concert.
  • 3.
    Invitations to join us on our tours in the UK and abroad.
  • 4.
    The opportunity to join us at our last rehearsal evening in July of each year where you can request songs from our current repertoire.
  • 5.
    Most of all you will become part of the Choir family, something both the members and the Music Team view as important.

If you are interested in becoming a Friend of the Choir, please complete the form below;.

Sign up to be an SEMVC "Friend of the Choir"

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Saturday 22 March 2025 – Concert at 7pm

The Church of Holy Innocents
Church Road, Great Barton, IP31 2QS

Tickets £15 including a glass of wine or juice.

Online tickets available from SEMVC click here

Local tickets please contact Linda Scoles Tel: 01359 230392

2024/25 CONCERTS

Saturday 26 April – Concert with Milton Glee Choir (MD Mark Jefferson) at St Mary’s Church BSE at 7pm

FRIDAY 9 May – Concert with The Orpheus Singers (The South East Essex Ladies Choir) St John's Church, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1SP  at 7pm

Saturday 24 May – Joint Concert with Brass Ensemble and Kedington Community Choir at Kedington Community Centre at 7pm 





Sylvia Wilson is collecting used stamps for AGSD UK (Association of Glycogen Storage Disease UK), a very small charity for which this provides valuable income. To maximize their value she kindly requests that the stamps are trimmed from the envelope with a 1cm border around them. Stamps can be passed onto Sylvia via any member of the Choir.

For further information please email


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