In July 2009 some members of SEMVC took part in the Estonian Song Festival (clips of this event are still on You Tube). In our section we sang with 5000 other men and when all the choirs came together at the end nearly 30,000 people were singing.
We hope to do this again in 2014 and have applied to be part of it. However, we will need to submit a tape of 2 Estonian songs to be recorded later this year, and then wait to see if we are accepted.
At present we have submitted a list of names to the organisers in Estonia. This commits those who have put their names forward to paying 15 euros for the music which will be sent from Estonia, and we can also add to this list. If we are accepted to take part we estimate it will cost £450 per person for the 3 day trip. You will also commit yourself to some Saturday morning rehearsals to learn the Estonian songs, but you can hold your music when you sing.
Wives, partners and friends are also invited to take part in this amazing event but at the moment we would like to hear from potential singers. If you would like to take part please email Ivor Thulborn.